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10 Ways to Make Your Holidays Special

10 Wyas to Make the Holidays Special

  1. Write something very personal to those closest to you.
  2. Take time to purchase holiday cards that speak to the uniqueness of the person your addressing.
  3. Prepare or purchase foods that you know will please others, tailor your choices to those who you will be with.
  4. Make a toast before your main meal that honors the elders at your table.
  5. Include in your comments poignant stories of the history of the family.
  6. Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” sometime during the holiday season.
  7. Open gifts with your favorite holiday music in the background.
  8. Choose music that enlivens the spirit and is holiday focused.
  9. My favorite is Karaoke at the end of the day; you’d be surprised how much fun it is for all.
  10. Don’t be inhibited, get up there and sing and dance. Make a video for golden memories.

Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, Ed.D.,Ph.D.
Author of The Stress Solution: Using Empathy and Cognitive  Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Develop Resilience