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Soulful Healing

Soulful Healing

Course Offerings for The Power of Soulful Healing

12 week workshop reviewing each chapter in The Soulful Healing book with both Dr’s Ciaramicoli and Cortez. Chapters that each author wrote will be presented by the author and time for questions and interactions will be provided. Both authors will attend both sessions.

Fee-$760 to be paid when registering to Venmo account-@DrArthur Ciaramicoli

Fee for Open Ended Personal Growth Group-75 minutes per session-$95 per session to be paid to Venmo account above.

An individual session with Dr. Ciaramicoli is required to determine if the person group will be beneficial to you. If you join you must attend at least 6 sessions before determining to go forward. The fee for the first 6 sessions is $570 to be paid before you start.

When you register, please leave your name, address, cell and email. Thank you

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